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Science Writing

CLASS No College Designated

Course Title

Science Writing


Course Description

Prerequisites: Graduate Standing. This course provides an overview of science writing genres designed to reach multiple audiences (e.g., specialists, policymakers, students, the public) with an emphasis on non-specialist audiences. The course is useful both to students pursuing a career as a professional science or technical writer and to student in the sciences hoping to improve their communication skills. Course topics include, but are not limited to, popular science writing (e.g., writing for mainstream magazines an newspapers) and public information (e.g., press releases, websites, science blogs, informational videos). The course involves a service learning project providing students with opportunities for publication. Shares lecture with (4000-level version) with additional expectations and assignments for graduate credit.

Course Designation

Area 7 (Huma/SS), General Education

Grade Modes

Audit, Pass/Fail, Standard Letter

Credit Hrs