Academic Policies
Academic Policies
[Contact: Office of the Registrar, New Mexico Tech, 801 Leroy Place, Socorro, NM 87801; 575.835.5133; fax: 575.835.6511;],
Grading System
A grade is reported for each course in which a student has enrolled to indicate the quality of performance in that course. The grading system used at NM Tech is as follows:
Grade Point Per Semester Hours | Grade | Definitions |
4.00 | A |
3.67 | A- |
3.33 | B+ |
3.00 | B |
2.67 | B- |
2.33 | C+ |
2.00 | C |
1.67 | C- |
1.33 | D+ |
1.00 | D |
0 | F |
n/a | S | Satisfactory (C– or better) |
n/a | U | Unsatisfactory (D+ or worse) |
n/a | SA | Satisfactory Audit |
n/a | UA | Unsatisfactory Audit |
n/a | W | Withdrawal |
n/a | WO | Withdrawal without Prejudice |
n/a | PR | Progress |
n/a | NR | Not Reported |
n/a | NG | Not Graded |
Grade Point Average (GPA)
The total institutional semester hours in which grades of A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, and F have been received are divided into the corresponding total grade points earned to determine the student’s cumulative grade-point average (GPA). Likewise, the student’s GPA for any time period is found by dividing the credit hours in which grades other than S, U, SA, or UA were received into the total grade points earned during that period. The student’s GPA indicates scholastic standing. Results of challenge examinations shall not be included in the student’s class load for the semester in which the exam is taken. Transfer credit is not included in the GPA.
Grade Options
Auditing a Class
Students may attend classes as auditors; that is, they may enroll in a course for as a grade option as an auditor, with the permission of the instructor of the course. Auditors pay tuition and fees on the same basis as those who enroll for credit. No student will be allowed to change registration from credit to audit or from audit to credit after the tenth week of a regular semester or the fifth week of the summer session. Students may not change from credit to audit or audit to credit more than once in a class. Auditors receive grades of SA (satisfactory audit) or UA (unsatisfactory audit) as determined by the instructor. The grade of Audit does not affect a students GPA; however, course credit load may be affected. Please see financial aid for additional information.
Graduate Auditing a Class
Graduate students may attend at most one three credit class as an auditor per semester.
Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U)
Courses may not be taken S/U without consent of the student’s academic advisor, the student’s major department, and the department in which the course is taken. Approval for the S/U grade basis must be obtained within the first ten weeks of classes. Decisions made at that time for either letter grade or S/U grade evaluation may not be subsequently changed. Students who receive a grade of S will receive credit for the course but that credit will not be applied to any graduate program requirements. The student is not eligible to repeat the course unless the course description specifically says they may. Students who receive a grade of U will not receive credit for the course. Some programs may not allow S/U to be applied towards courses in their programs (i.e. MENG dept requires graded courses) or use S/U for graduations, before changing a grade option to S/U, check with your major department chair for any course grade restrictions to avoid any unwanted graduation issues.
Undergraduate S/U
Students may take up to a total of 18 credit hours on an S/U basis in courses not normally graded S/U, with a limit of 7 credits in any one semester. Some degree programs do not allow courses taken S/U to count for degree requirements.
Graduate S/U
Courses that are normally graded may not be taken on an S/U basis and applied to any graduate program. Graduate students in good standing may take up to a total of 3 credit hours on an S/U basis in courses not normally graded S/U in a given semester. However, such courses cannot be applied to any graduate program requirements.
PR (Progress)
A grade of “PR” for independent study, thesis, or dissertation is given when satisfactory progress on research has occurred during the semester. If research progress has not been satisfactory, a grade of “U” (unsatisfactory) is issued. Students who earn unsatisfactory grades are not making satisfactory academic progress.
Withdrawing from a Course
Withdraw (W)
A student may not withdraw (W) from a class after the tenth week of a fall or spring semester, or the fifth week of a summer session. A W can only be assigned after consulting with the instructor and completing and submitting the appropriate form to the Office of the Registrar. Under no circumstances can an instructor assign a W in a course. A withdrawal does not have any negative impact on a student's GPA, the student is also relieved from attending any further classes for the course they have withdrawn from. Students withdrawing from a course or all courses are still financially responsible for the courses they withdrew from, no refunds are given for withdrawals.
Graduate Withdrawing from a Course
(see also withdrawal without Prejudice)
Graduate students must ensure that they successfully complete sufficient credits each semester; check with the Center for Graduate Studies if you have questions before withdrawing from a class.
Repeating a Class
A computable grade is a grade with a numerical equivalent: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, or F. A non-computable grade is a grade with no numerical equivalent: SA, UA, S, or U. Students may not repeat courses at other institutions.
Undergraduate Repeating a Class
If you received; Then
A, A-, B+, B, B–, | You may not repeat the class for a grade or credit unless the course description specifically states that it is repeatable. |
C+, C, or S; | |
C-, D+, D, or F; | You may repeat the class for a new letter grade and credit. (You may not repeat on an S/U basis.) The original grade will remain on your permanent record. The new grade will replace the old grade in calculation of your GPA, even if the new grade is lower. If you receive an F, you will receive 0 credit hours for the course, even if you previously received credit. You may not repeat the class at an institution other than New Mexico Tech. |
SA, UA, or U; | You may repeat the course for a grade and credit. If you repeat a course in which you received a U, you must take it for a computable grade. |
Graduate Repeating a Class
If you received; Then
A, A-, B+, B, B–, | You may not repeat the class for a grade or credit unless the course description specifically says you may. If a student’s overall graduate GPA is below a 3.0, permission to repeat specific courses (with grades of B‐, C+ or C) may be requested from the Graduate Dean to meet graduation requirements. |
C+, C, or S; | |
C-, D+, D, or F; | You must repeat the class for a new letter grade and credit. (You may not repeat on an S/U basis.) The original grade will remain on your permanent record. The new grade will replace the old grade in calculation of your GPA, even if the new grade is lower. If you receive an F, you will receive 0 credit hours for the course, even if you previously received credit. You may not repeat the class at an institution other than New Mexico Tech. |
SA, UA, or U; | You may repeat the course for a grade and credit. If you repeat a course in which you received a U, you must take it for a computable grade. |
Accessing Final Grades
Final grades are viewable in the secure area of Banweb ( at the end of every semester. Grades are viewable shortly after the instructor submits them; however, the students’ GPA and academic standing are not official until the Friday following the last day of the semester.
Change of Grade
The instructor of a course has the responsibility for any grade reported. Once a grade has been reported to the Office of the Registrar, it may be changed only in the case of clerical error or in the case of documented extenuating circumstances. The instructor who issued the original grade must submit in writing the reasons for the change. The change of grade must also be approved by the department chair. Changes in grade must be made within five weeks after the start of the next semester. After this date grade changes can only be done with the approval from the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Grade Appeal Procedure
A grade must be appealed no later than the end of the semester following the semester in which the student took the class. All questions can be referred to the Office of the Registrar.
Undergraduate Grade Appeal Procedure
Undergraduate students seeking grade changes must speak first with the instructor, next with the department chair, next the Dean of the department, and finally with the Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Graduate Grade Appeal Procedure
Graduate students seeking grade changes must speak first with the instructor, next with the department chair, and finally with the Dean of Graduate Studies.
Withdrawal without Prejudice (WO)
(See also Withdrawing from a Course, above)
Under extremely unusual circumstances (for example, serious illness or death in the student’s immediate family), a student may petition for a withdrawal without prejudice. Students may not withdraw without prejudice from a course they are failing due to plagiarism, cheating, or other disciplinary issues. Charges for tuition and fees are not altered by such a withdrawal.
Undergraduate Withdrawal without Prejudice
A petition for an undergraduate withdrawal without prejudice should be submitted to the Dean of Students for review and consideration. The petition must include the completed Withdrawal Without Prejudice Request Form, a written letter explaining the circumstances, and supporting documents (a statement from a physician, obituary, etc.). The deadline for submission of the petition is the Friday before the start of final exams. In rare cases the Dean of Students may consider requests after the deadline.
Graduate Withdrawal without Prejudice
A petition for a graduate withdrawal without prejudice should be submitted to the Graduate Dean for review and consideration. The petition must include the completed Withdrawal Without Prejudice request form, a written letter explaining the circumstances, and supporting documents (a statement from a physician, obituary, etc.). The deadline for submission of the petition is the Friday before the start of final exams. In rare cases the Graduate Dean may consider requests after the deadline.
Transfer Credits
New Mexico Tech accepts academic credits from regionally accredited institutions of higher education. All credits will be evaluated and transferred on a course-by-course basis. Credit earned at any institution while a student is on academic suspension will be accepted following our standard transfer policy after a student serves the suspension, is readmitted to New Mexico Tech, and returns to good standing. Credit for courses previously attempted at New Mexico Tech will not be accepted.
Undergraduate Transfer Credits
A letter grade of “C” or higher is required for all transfer credit.
Graduate Transfer Credits
For graduate degrees, NMT accepts, at most, 12 academic credits from regionally accredited institutions of higher education. All credits will be evaluated and transferred on a course-by-course basis. Only courses at the 3000 level and above with a grade of “B” or higher are eligible for transfer credit for graduate degrees.