Student Government Association (SGA)
Student Government Association
Students at New Mexico Tech assume important responsibilities for the regulation of their affairs. The Student Government Association provides opportunities for undergraduate students to improve their leadership skills as well as to be more involved with the New Mexico Tech campus.
The Student Government Association is made up of three branches; Executive, Legislative, and Judicial. The Executive Branch includes the President, Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Student Activities Technical Director, Student Activities Director, and the Paydirt Editor and Chief. The Judicial Branch includes the Chief Justice and a minimum of two justices. The Legislative Branch is the governing body of the Student Government Association which is also the Student Senate, whose members are elected twice a year for one-year terms. The Student Senate regulates extracurricular activities, organizations, campus/community events, appropriating money, voicing student concerns, and improving student life on campus. The Student Senate carries out its functions through the creation of its own committees, and its deliberations are open to all students and other interested persons.
Any enrolled student may serve in the Senate if properly elected and any undergraduate student may participate in the Student Government Association through volunteering. To view more information about SGA please visit