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Science & Technology Policy
No College Designated
Course Title
Science & Technology Policy
Course Description
Prerequisites: Graduate Standing or consent of Instructor. This seminar-based course provides an overview of selected topics in science and technology policy. Students will gain an understanding of the challenges, tensions, and problems within science and technology policy issues and be introduced to crafting policy-relevant documents such as op-eds, policy briefs, and longer research reports. Themes may include the proper role of experts in policy-making, the regulation of risky technologies, comparisons of democratic and expert-led decision-making, resilient environmental policy, generative justice, sustainability, forecasting and managing technological change, public and private steering of R&D funding, strategies for stimulating innovation and technological transitions, intellectual property, science and technology-based entrepreneurship, and regional and national innovation systems.
Course Designation
Area 7 (Huma/SS), General Education
Grade Modes
Audit, Pass/Fail, Standard Letter
Credit Hrs